
Friday, November 2, 2018

Super Slow Writing

We are learning about making Slow Writing
Next time I need to add more punctuation

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

2018 shakeout

We are learning about the 2018 shakeout, it is a big earthquake drill that happens all around NZ
We can improve by making our images more quality

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Cyclone Report


Did you know that cyclones can reach wind speeds of over 240 kph?

How do they form?
Cyclones form if there is a body of water that is 26.5oc or over, they also need it to be calm. The warm water heats up the air which makes it rise and then cold air replaces the warm air’s spot then heats up and rises, this happens until the eye forms and then more clouds forms, these are called rainbands and they create rings around the eye.

The parts of a cyclone
  • Eye. The eye of a cyclone is very calm and it makes the illusion that the storm is over. The cold air falls down in eye but the warm air rises up in a spiral pattern

  • Eye wall. The eye wall is the most windy part of the cyclone. The winds in the eye wall are the fastest winds of the cyclone, therefore it is the most dangerous part of the cyclone

  • Rainbands. Rain bands are the main sources of wind because of how big they can get. Winds in rainbands get stronger the closer they are to the eye of the cyclone.

Māori connection
Tāwhirimātea is the god of wind and rain.

Example of impact to New Zealand
Over 900 mm of rain fell within 3 days, the max amount of water in gisborne was 917 mm, 3000 were evacuated and a bridge was destroyed.

How to get through it
Store all your drinking water and fill bathtubs and sinks with water. Make sure you have made a survival kit.

The eye of a cyclone can be 100KM wide!  Cyclones can cause storm surges and it can destroy houses!

IStorm by Anita Ganeri 2014

Cyclones are dangerous because of their high wind speed. You should learn how to survive cyclone so the next time it happens you can get through it alive.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Living by the rules Lucas Kairo Tyson

You will see that...

1. Kairo is cheating by accidentally putting down two of the same cards on the table…

2.And me and Kairo solve the problem by restating the game.

Snap cards

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Friday, August 17, 2018

Thursday, August 9, 2018

My Voki Character

I have been learning about voki and how to make a character talk. Click my person to see what it says.  I enjoyed customizing character almost as much as i want! You can make your on the voki website.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Ben Brown Book Review

Book Review
Title: Eel Dreaming
Author: Ben Brown
Illustrator: Helen Jaylor

Genre: Sophisticated Picture Book

Main Character: Eel

Plot: Eel lives in a swamp and wants to find the perfect river for himself to live in.

Setting: Swamp, Forest, Tussock Hill, Gorge,  River, Valley.

Book Rating: 😐

Why: I sort of like it because I love the plot, but I don’t like the genre, I would recommend this book for ages 7-9.

This review was done by Lucas, Rm 2